The Difference Between Your Best Guy Friend And All Other Guys

  • The difference between your best guy friend and all other guys is that your best friend isn’t worth the trouble dressing up and looking pretty for. Because he’s already seen you bare-faced one too many times, and he swears you are a troll under all that makeup.

    The difference between your best guy friend and all other guys is that your best friend isn’t worth acting like a lady for. Because he’s heard every one of your obnoxious laughs, tasteless comments and rants, and understands that these things don’t truly reflect how refined he believes you are. 

    The difference between your best guy friend and all other guys is that your best friend will crush on you, but unlike every other guy that has come and gone, he’s here to stay. Because he sincerely wants to be there for you, even if it’s not romantically. And even if he has nothing to gain. 

    The difference between your best guy friend and all other guys is that your best friend can walk into your home or get a lift from your dad without a hitch. Because your parents have already done their background checks, and your families have (against your will) actually become good friends too. 

    The difference between your best guy friend and all other guys is that your best friend actually knows about your bodily functions you’ve been keeping a secret from every other guy. Because he’s had to witness your shameless burps and follow you on emergency Tampax runs. 

    The difference between your best guy friend and all other guys is that your best friend is the one who calls you, when you’re waiting on another guy to call. Because he can foresee that you like dickheads, and we all know that dickheads don’t call. 

    The difference between your best guy friend and all other guys is that your best friend is who you neglect when you start dating said dickhead. Because you know he’ll be there, regardless. And if you’re being completely honest, you know you kind of take him for granted. 

    The difference between your best guy friend and all other guys is that your best friend is who your boyfriend blames when you’re spending too much time away. Because he’s almost like an extra limb, and you struggle with the idea of having to do things without him. 

    But you can only hope that in the off-peaks and in the down-times; in between boyfriends and Tampax runs, that your love for him adds up to something substantial. 

    And that he’ll know, without you having to say a word, that of all the guys that you’ve loved, and lost, and thought you’ve loved, and thought loved you––you love him most of all.

    Published adaptations: Thought Catalog


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